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Roaster's Choice Coffee Subscription

Our August selection is Guatemala Huehuetenango Queztcal!

Why would you pick a Roaster's Choice coffee subscription?  Two reasons: one, diversity.  You'll get to try all kinds of coffees.  We'll keep it interesting.  We will send you the newest coffees we get in, too.  And two, we are coffee experts so yo don't have to be.  We are constantly tasting, sampling, educating ourselves.  Our core message is that you should be able to drink great coffee without hassle.  This is where we can really show you why we stand behind that 100%.  You put your trust in us to send you an amazing coffee selection and we'll deliver.

You will never need to worry about having great, fresh coffee at home or in your office.  This easy to use subscription ensures that our coffee is delivered to you in exactly the way you want it, right on time, every time.

How it works:

1.  You decide how much coffee you will use (we ship 12oz bags)

2.  You decide how you want the coffee ground (whole bean, drip, coarse, espresso)

3.  You decide how often you want it shipped to you (every 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks)

4.  Your coffee will be roasted fresh and sent directly to you!

If you ever need to change anything (frequency, grind, roast level, number of bags, credit card info, etc) you have full control by logging in to your account.

But if you ever need anything, we are absolutely happy to help.